

The author is not a professional financial advisor. Nothing on this site is meant as investment advice or trading recommendation. The author can provide no guarantee of the relevance, accuracy/correctness or completeness of the information and data released on this site.

The author might hold securities already prior to any discussion and reserves the right to buy and sell (long, short) any securities with and without discussing them on this site.

Always do your own due diligence and contact a financial professional before executing any trades or investments. Do not trust anybody with”Stock Tips” or “free investment advice”.

Feel free to use and share any content that I produced on your homepage, a link to this site and mentioning would be nice. The spreadsheets I created and posted on this site of course can be used without mentioning if they have a tag (valuetradeblog.com) on them.

Angaben gemäß §34b WpHG i.V.m. FinAnV
Es kann im Einzelfall nicht ausgeschlossen werden, dass der Herausgeber  Long- oder Shortpositionen in den Wertpapieren halten, die Gegenstand von Analysen oder anderen Berichten sind.